"Pavla Sceranková has been present on the Czech art scene for more than a decade. She has gained an outstanding position as a sculptor, who uses different media and research in her sculptural development." (jury statement)

Pavla Sceranková (*1980) graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague at the studios of Miloš Šejn and Milan Knížák. She has participated in several residencies, including the Visegrad Artist Residency Program in Budapest and Cooperative Méduse in Québec. Her works combine the principles of ready-made and performance. Her sculptures are characterized by aesthetic autonomy and purity, are often bound to a particular place and often prompt the viewers to get involved in the “action“; despite the fact that this process often results in the deformation of the object. Sceranková finds inspiration in daily objects which become interesting and enter new contexts due to the change of scale, material or construction. Pavla Sceranková is a holder of the Václav Chad Award from the 5th Zlín Youth Salon and the Rector’s Award awarded by the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague. She has held a number of solo exhibitions in renowned Czech and Slovak gallery institutions.

Videoprofile of Pavla Sceranková

Video: Jan Vidlička