Barbora Kleinhamplová

"Barbora Kleinhamplová’s artworks reflect human group behavior in serving as psychological critique of social spaces while confronting traditional spaces. Fragmenting space using different elements of social groups, the artist employs metaphorical approaches to human beings often suffering from anxiety. Her work is rooted in video, performance and installation." (Holly Block, Head of the Jury)

Barbora Kleinhamplová (*1984) graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague last year, representing the Academy at the international Start Point Prize with her diploma thesis. She has also studied at FAMU in Prague. Her work in the media of video, performance, photography and installation has undergone an interesting development. While her early actions usually featured the artist assuming unusual positions, frequently in interaction with everyday objects and the home environment, Kleinhamplová recently moved on to questions dealing with the position of man in contemporary consumerist society controlled by corporate rules. She follows these from the perspective of sidelined qualities such as sleep, hypnosis and unconsciousness. During her studies, Kleinhamplová exhibited her work primarily on the independent Czech gallery scene; however, her work has also appeared at established institutions both in the Czech Republic and abroad.

Videoprofile of Barbora Kleinhamplová

Video: Jan Vidlička