"Strong expression, complex and often ambivalent symbolism, a refined color scheme and light qualities accentuate the specific grasp of inner spirituality in the paintings by Pavla Malinová. They present a complex aesthetics which lightly glides through a whole range of diverse historical references without narcissistically wallowing in a self-referential relation to the classic medium.” (jury statement)

Pavla Malinová (*1985, Vsetín) graduated from the Painting Studio of the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Ostrava. She is a figural painter whose paintings show robust figures engaged in a play of multiple meanings. Malinová employs current and archetypal symbolism, the male and female principle as well as personal romanticism in a post-factual era. Her paintings often step out of their two-dimensionality into space, becoming object compositions; or, on the contrary, are created in the site-specific spirit right on the gallery wall. Allusions to modernist morphology go hand in hand with the rawness of art brut. Malinová has introduced her work in a number of independent galleries and art institutions across the Czech Republic as well as in Berlin, Brussels and Cracow.