David Přílučík

David Přílučík

"Research-based work by David Přílučík reacts to concrete physical and intellectual environments and is derived from his personal experience with gentrification, precarity or social injustice. His works often created in collaboration with other actors and colleagues are often strongly concerned with environmental issues and looks for intersection between nature and culture or society. He pursues a non-dualist way of thinking and perceiving, using an informed and poetic artistic language.” (jury statement)

David Přílučík (*1991) is a graduate of the Atelier without a Leader and the Prague Academy of Fine Arts (Studios of Jiří Lindovský, Tomáš Vaňek, Ruth Noack and Simon Waschmuth). In 2015, he completed an internship at Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design in Israel. Since 2021 he has been a student at the Dutch Art Institute as part of the DAI Roaming Academy program (2021–2023). What is natural about a disaster and what is artificial about intelligence? David Přilučík's works are places where we encounter the limits of Western imagination and rationality. In them, the artist weaves human and other subjects into various aesthetic modes, including the moving image, live events, installations, objects, and original programs. These are always composed of meetings trying to find new answers to an old question: How to distribute and share violence and care so that their production is more bearable, not only for us, but for all the un/discovered Others? 

David Přílučík works at Artyčok TV, where, among other things, in collaboration with Anna Remešová, he produced the three-part video series Umění Antropocénu (2019). He initiated the Divoká Šárka project (2019-2021) reflecting on the phenomenon of nature reserves, which he is currently working on together with Ruta Putramentaite and Sara Märc. He has presented his work at a number of independent galleries and institutions in the Czech Republic, but also abroad, for example as part of the Q21 artist residency program, MuseumsQuartier Vienna or at the festival PAF in Olomouc, where his work Blind Bidding was awarded the main prize in the Other Visions section in 2017. 

David Přílučík: CJCH 2022 Profile

Video: Michal Blecha