Jiří Thýn

Jiří Thýn

Jiří Thýn (*1977) graduated from the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague (Studio of Photography) and went on a study stay at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague (Painting Studio II/Vladimír Skrepl School). He went on several international scholarships including Studio of Photography at UIAH University in Helsinki, PROGR in Bern and FONCA in Mexico City. He often combines his work in photography with installation, painting, text and video. He addresses the medium of photography and its overlaps as well as space and composition, combining traditional photographic processes and contemporary post-conceptual approaches. He often uses the depiction of the human body or architecture as a basis, abstracting them and pointing out their symbolical value. He addresses and explores various photographic techniques such as photograms. He was head of the Studio of Postconceptual Photography at Prague’s FAMU and is represented by Hunt Kastner Gallery. He was a finalist of Jindřich Chalupecký Award in 2011 and 2012.


Videoprofile of Jiří Thýn

Video: Nikola Brabcová