An international jury has selected the names of five finalists of the 27th edition of the Czech Republic’s most prestigious award for artists up to the age of 35. The authors work in the range of sculptural and audiovisual installations through experimental work with the medium of photography to short film essays. Their common denominator is the fragile tension between a poetic and engaged approach to the latest themes and challenges. While the 2015 edition took place in Brno, the exhibition of the finalists of Jindřich Chalupecký Award 2016 was held at the Trade Fair Palace of the National Gallery in Prague. A significant novelty of 2016 consists of launching a new tradition of international guests introduce his or her solo project in connection with the exhibition of the finalists. The guest of 2016 is Laure Prouvost, the winner of the UK’s prestigious Turner Prize in 2013.
The finalists of the 27th edition of Jindřich Chalupecký Award 2016 include Aleš Čermák, Katarína Hládeková, Anna Hulačová, Matyáš Chochola, and Johana Střížková. Aleš Čermák has already appeared in the Final in the year 2013, the others were nominated for the first time. Names of five finalists were selected from more than 90 portfolios of young artists, which is the highest number of applicants and nominees so far.
The holder of the Jindřich Chalupecký Award 2016 isMatyáš Chochola. ,,Matyáš Chochola proved by his extensive installation that contemporary art is able to communicate the key global themes, moods, and forms of today’s world in a way in which they are experienced and reflected in the local context; without employing a specially trained guide or translator between contexts.“ said Marek Pokorný,head of the jury.
The international jury is presided by Marek Pokorný, visual arts critic and curator, artistic manager of the Ostrava City Gallery PLATO, and furthercomprises visual artist Jiří Kovanda, art theorist and director of the Slovak National Gallery Alexandra Kusá, Icelandic-born director of The Astrup Fearnley Museum of Modern Art in Oslo Gunnar B. Kvaran, art theorist and curator Pavlína Morganová, and curator and art consultant at Bottega Gallery and Shcherbenko Art Centre in Kiev Marina Shcherbenko.
The Final 2016 exhibition, presenting the works by the award winner as well as the other finalists, was held at the Trade Fair Palace until January 8, 2017. The novelty of this year’s exhibition is the participation of an international guest artist Laure Prouvost who presented her solo project C'est l'est not ouest.
Award Ceremony
The award ceremony of the 27th Jindřich Chalupecký Award was held at Studio Hrdinů at the Trade Fair Palace on November 22, 2016. The ceremony was directed by Vít Klusák and Marianna Stránská and broadcasted live by the Czech Television. The concept of the ceremony was prepared by five finalists of the 2015 Award Vojtěch Fröhlich, Lukáš Karbus, Barbora Kleinhamplová, Pavla Sceranková, and Pavel Sterec.
Watch the award ceremony on the ČT Art channel here.
Pohled do instalace výstavy Finále 2016 zleva: Aleš Čermák, Katarína Hládeková
Pohled do instalace výstavy Finále 2016 zleva: Katarína Hládeková, Anna Hulačová, Johana Střížková
Pohled do instalace výstavy Finále 2016
Pohled do instalace výstavy Finále 2016 Katarína Hládeková
Pohled do instalace výstavy Finále 2016
Pohled do instalace výstavy Finále 2016 Instalace Matyáše Chocholy
Vyhlášení laureáta CJCH 2016: Matyáš Chohola přebírá cenu
Pohled do instalace výstavy Finále 2016 zleva: Aleš Čermák, Katarína Hládeková
Pohled do instalace výstavy Finále 2016 zleva: Katarína Hládeková, Anna Hulačová, Johana Střížková
Pohled do instalace výstavy Finále 2016
Pohled do instalace výstavy Finále 2016 Katarína Hládeková
Pohled do instalace výstavy Finále 2016
Pohled do instalace výstavy Finále 2016 Instalace Matyáše Chocholy
Vyhlášení laureáta CJCH 2016: Matyáš Chohola přebírá cenu
Pohled do instalace výstavy Laure Prouvost
Pohled do instalace výstavy Laure Provoust
Pohled do instalace výstavy Laure Provoust
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