An international jury nominated five artists for the 22nd edition of the leading Czech award for visual artists under 35. The collective exhibition was held at the DOX Centre for Contemporary Art in Prague. 64 artists applied or were nominated for this edition. The finalists worked in the media of installation, object, animation, photography and video.
“We want to present the best in the field of Czech visual arts to the public and show the latest tendencies and ways in which artists reflect the current situation,” said Lenka Lindaurová from Jindřich Chalupecký Society about this year’s selection of artists.
Jindřich Chalupecký Award 2011 went to Mark Ther. “The jury appreciated the funny yet genuine short films and videos by Mark Ther, and was particularly intrigued by the confrontation of controversial moments, eccentric aesthetics and references to pop culture.” The award holder received CZK 100.000 for an exhibition, publication or a creative project of his choice and an international residency.
The head of the jury was MoMA curator Christian Rattemeyer. The jury further included chief curator of Vienna’s MuMoK Rainer Fuchs, curator and chief editor of Springerin art magazine Georg Schöllhammer, curators Ondřej Chrobák, Edith Jeřábková and Mira Keratová, and artist and professor Tomáš Lahoda. “We believe that all selected finalists play a lively and important role on the contemporary Czech art scene and their works promise that their collective exhibition in the fall will become a major event,” said head of the jury Christian Rattemeyer.
The collective exhibition Jindřich Chalupecký Award – Final 2011 was held at the DOX Centre for Contemporary Art in Prague. The works of the five finalists were presented in public space for the first time in the Award’s history. The organizers decided to follow the idea of theorist and art critic Jindřich Chalupecký that art is shown to people and people are shown to art.
Award Ceremony
The award ceremony of the 22nd edition of Jindřich Chalupecký Award was held at the DOX Centre for Contemporary Art in Prague on November 25, 2011. It was directed by past award holder Michal Pěchouček who conceived it as a quirky radio program. The award was presented over the phone as the award holder was in Brno at the moment, presenting another award by Václav Stratil to an artist over 35 (the other finalists attended the latter event as well).
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