Jindřich Chalupecký Award 2001

In 2001, a jury of Czech visual artists and theorists nominated six artists for the 12th edition of the leading Czech award for visual artists under 35. The award ceremony was held at the Trade Fair Palace of the National Gallery Prague.


The finalists of the 12th edition of Jindřich Chalupecký Award in 2001 included Tomáš Vaněk, Tomáš Hlavina, Krištof Kintera, Pavel Kopřiva, Markéta Othová and Štěpánka Šimlová.

Award Holder

Jindřich Chalupecký Award 2001 went to Tomáš Vaněk, member of the Headless Horseman art group. At the Final 2001 exhibition, he presented paraphrases of drawings by Czech painter and illustrator Josef Lada sprayed over stencils.

“You create your works by spray painting over stencils. In your latest work, you used this method to ironize Lada’s drawings by adding sexual symbols. Isn’t that too simple a paraphrase for an artist? Isn’t it similar to what Czech band Těžkej Pokondr does in the field of music?”

“When you take a long hard look at Lada’s pictures, you will find a lot of hidden meanings. I found a giant penis in a picture of a billy goat pushing a wheelbarrow. So I started applying this to other pictures and this completely changed the way I look at Lada. Only seven out of the fifteen displayed drawings are redone. Once you see that one has been redone, you will start applying my point of view to the others. You will find sex even where there’s none. I had some brutal jokes in the manner of Těžkej Pokondr in store, but I filtered them out,” Tomáš Vaněk said to Jan H. Vitvar in an interview for MF DNES in 2001. The award holder received CZK 100.000 for an exhibition, publication or a creative project of his choice and an international residency.


The Head of the Jury of the 12th edition of Jindřich Chalupecký Award was art historian and curator Magdalena Juříková. The jury further included art historian and critic Richard Drury, curator and art historian Vít Havránek, teacher and art critic Michal Koleček, art historian and teacher Vojtěch Lahoda, journalist and art historian Lenka Lindaurová, sculptor and visual artist Jaroslav Róna, art critic and theorist Katarína Rusnáková, curator and performer Jiří Surůvka, and curator and conceptual artist Jiří Valoch. The jury was the same as in the past edition.


The exhibition Jindřich Chalupecký Award – Final 2001 was held at the Trade Fair Palace of the National Gallery Prague.

Award Ceremony

The award ceremony of the 12th edition of Jindřich Chalupecký Award was held at the Trade Fair Palace of the National Gallery Prague in 2001.