Intervention #10: Barbora Klímová

Intervention #10: Barbora Klímová

Czechoslovakia. A Crosscultural Perspective

Artist Barbora Klímová, holder of Jindřich Chalupecký Award 2006, presents a new multimedia work employing translated excerpts from the samizdat book Czechoslovakia. A Crosscultural Perspective in her intervention in the permanent exposition at the Retromuseum in Cheb, Czech Republic.

The book’s author Wendy W. Luers, wife of the American ambassador in Prague in 1983 – 1986, describes her experience with then Czechoslovakia. The guide was meant for her friends who would travel to Czechoslovakia and was distributed as a typewritten samizdat copy. It depicts many themes from everyday life from the perspective of a foreigner living in former Czechoslovakia.

Within the exposition, which is conceived primarily from the perspective of local citizens, her point of view represents an important antipole; it depicts how we were seen at that time by someone from the inaccessible perspective of the West. At the same time, it also reflects the period life values of Americans from higher social classes.